Today is Earth Day, as well as the NFL draft and Take Our Daughters And Sons to Work Day (or as it’s known in my home office, Thursday) — something for everyone! But to focus on Earth Day, which is now in its 40th year, the religion news continues to be that a range of denominations…

A few days after praying with clergy sex abuse survivors in Malta, Pope Benedict has announced that the Catholic Church will take action to bring justice to abusive priests and protect children in the future. The Vatican has not yet elaborated on what kinds of measures are being considered, but the Associated Press story notes that the United…

Today marks the first day of Ridvan, the holiest period of the year for members of the Baha’i faith, a religion that began in modern-day Iran and has major temples in Israel, Illinois and India. (Photo below shows me at the Lotus Temple in New Delhi a few years ago — very impressive building.) The holiday runs April…

I’ve been following the case of Agriprocessors, a now-defunct kosher meat plant in Postville, Iowa, ever since an immigration raid found hundreds of undocumented workers (some underage, as well) there in May 2008. The plant was owned by the Rubashkin clan, which has been loyally supported by ultra-Orrthodox folks (the family belongs to the Chabad Lubavitch community), if…

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