Travel%20Mug.jpgActually, that phrase should be a contradiction in terms. But it’s up to you to decide if a “Christ Our Hope” slim-fit ladies t-shirt is in better taste than the Pope Bobblehead (see post below) that did not please the Archdiocese of Washington. Nothing like the free market to work it out, and the church is in it to win it: Today the on-line store of official papal visit trinkets went live, featuring a travel mug (at right), golf shirt, and white plush teddy bear, among other items, all emblazoned with the visit’s motto, “Christ our Hope.” Nice, but in my view, souvenirs must either be tacky or sacred. There can be no in-between. So I’d go for a Bobblehead and a Crucfix. Sublime and ridiculous. But that’s me.

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