If you haven’t already, you need to check out the discussion thread at Group Beyond Blue started by Beyond Blue member “Luthitarian” called “If I Hadn’t Been Born.” His introductory post is below: he lists four things that would be different in the world had he not been born.
It is a combination of the assignment I gave you as Holiday Survival Thought #19—to watch the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and then to list five reasons you have to keep living—and Cully’s suggestion of writing yourself an affirmation letter, like we’ve been doing for each other as part of the Self-Esteem Forum.

Here’s Luthitarian’s post:

Okay, I’m doing what I threatened to do. Larry suggested a thread on the topic “Did you ever wish you hadn’t been born?” I suggested the above as a corollary. What would the world be like if I hadn’t been born?” And, as I said, no taking the crapola way out of: BETTER OFF!”
Even when I feel my most worthless, I have to admit:
1) There are three kids and their children who wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t been.
2) I can think of many students who might never have found a passion for reading and literature if I hadn’t turned them on to books–or to a particular book.
3) I can think of many individuals who might never have found the lift they needed or the encouragement I provided at a particular time in their lives.
4) I can think of many individuals who brightened up with that “AHA!” moment as something–some insight, some connection, some idea–caught hold because of my teaching or ministry, or just friendship.
And so on. Get the idea? If anything, take a good, hard, look, and ask yourself, “At those times when I feel the crappiest, at those times when I feel life’s suffering has made me wish I had never been born, how would the world actually be WORSE OFF without me?”
I challenge you to tell me there have never been such times when you made a difference for the better!
The country song, “I’ve Had My Moments” by Emerson Drive comes to mind.

This is an appropriate exercise for me today since it’s my twin sister’s birthday (and also Larry Parker’s!). So here I go.
1) Eric would probably be married to a sane, but mean woman named Susie who tried to steal him back when we were engaged. As he reminded me yesterday, she wouldn’t have panic attacks but she’d probably tell him to get a better job, better friends, and a better house and car. Score, Eric! You got a head case … but one with a good heart who is just fine with your job, house, car, and friends!
2) Katherine and David would not have been born.
3) The leading story for the Annapolis Capital exactly four years ago today (yes, on my birthday) wouldn’t have been about a mom who was supposed to be watching two toddlers (her son and his preschool buddy) and a baby as they fed the ducks when the mom’s two-year-old pushed his pal into the frigid and deep drink, and then couldn’t do anything but yell because her baby was strapped to her. And because that story wouldn’t have been printed, numerous moms in Annapolis and in the cities where the story was syndicated (yes it was) would still be feeling guilty about their mistakes.
4) There wouldn’t be Beyond Blue. Well, I guess there could be, but it might be written by a mean lady married to Eric that insisted that all you need to feel good is a job that pays well, a fancy car, and a bunch of name-dropping friends. Or worse, a Law of Attraction fanatic who insists that throwing a smily face into the universe is the path to peace and happiness
Now it’s your turn! List at least four things that would be different in today’s world without you in it. And wish Larry P. a very happy birthday!

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