The Wall Street Journal’s Health Journal columnist Melinda Beck wrote an important piece awhile back on how to listen to your body, you know, when it’s saying: “HELLO??? ANYONE THERE???? I’M NOT HAPPY!!!!!!”   I seem to be unable to master this lesson. Just when I think I have it down, I hear a repeated…

It’s fairly known that depression can occur after a heart attack and can increase the likelihood of a second heart attack. But did you know that the flip side is also true? That depression itself can increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease. A recent Johns Hopkins Health Alert reports:   Prospective studies show that…

I have been thinking about this question ever since I read it on a discussion thread in Group Beyond Blue. Group Beyond Blue member Meg writes: So, my husband has shown interest in getting a handgun permit. It’s the South, and lots of people have them. I don’t have an issue with the concept of…

Group Beyond Blue member Meg started an interesting conversation on the discussion thread titled “A Question” on Group Beyond Blue. To tune into the dialog click here. I have excerpted some responses below. Group Beyond Blue Co-Chair Luthitarian wrote: When planning release of clients from mental health care, one of the sets of questions asked…

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