I have decided to dedicate a post on Thursday to therapy, and offer you the many tips I have learned on the couch. They will be a good reminder for me, as well, of something small I can concentrate on. Many of them are published in my book, “The Pocket Therapist: An Emotional Survival Kit.”
“This being human is a guest-house,” wrote the 13th century Sufi poet, Rumi. “Every morning a new arrival, a joy, a depression, a meanness …Welcome and entertain them all!”
I love that.
Because you can always kick them out!
Let’s say feelings are like any other visitors in that, like fish, they smell after three days. You welcome them, set out a cheese plate, learn a thing or two from them—like from which neighborhood of your brain they come from … the childhood-scars region, the obsessive-compulsive vicinity, or the paranoia district–and then after a night or two, you tell them to hit the road.
It’s a win-win situation!