In “Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child,” bestselling author John Bradshaw describes his years in the seminary as nurturing, where he adopted many “new fathers” and “new mothers” to replace the abusive ones who raised him. He writes, “Another way to champion your inner child is to let your adult find new sources…

Johns Hopkins Medicine has published the following information on recognizing and treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is marked by recurrent, repetitive thoughts (obsessions), behaviors (compulsions), or both that a person recognizes as unreasonable, unnecessary, or foolish yet are intrusive and cannot be resisted. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder do not necessarily have both obsessions…

According to John Bradshaw, author of “Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child,” the process of healing your wounded inner child is one of grief. And it involves these seven steps (in Bradshaw’s words): 1. Trust For your wounded inner child to come out of hiding, he must be able to trust that you…

On Mindful Monday, my readers and I practice the art of pausing, TRYING to be still, or considering, ever so briefly, the big picture. We’re hoping this soul time will provide enough peace of mind to get us through the week! On the first page of the book “Cutting Loose: An Adult’s Guide to Coming…

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