When you feel like strangling the guy in front of you at Target, read these “7 Quick Ways to Calm Down,” or as the Huffington Post renamed them,  “7 Quick Ways to Avoid a Meltdown,” I laughed at the art that went with it because, well, I sort of looked like that yesterday. I needed a reminder of…

For as long as I can remember I’ve struggled with obsessive thoughts, with severe ruminations that can interfere with daily life. My thoughts get stuck on something and like a broken record, repeat a certain fear over and over and over again until I scream out loud, “STOP IT!” The French call Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder “folie…

Aside from my own psychiatrist, Dr. Smith, there are few doctors that can explain a confusing and complex condition like Bipolar Disorder with such clarity as the medical director of NAMI, Dr. Ken Duckworth. Three years ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing him when I was the Patient Advocate for the Bipolar Center of…

Here’s an entry from my archives that you’ll appreciate. Maybe. If you have a sense of humor. And are a tad OCDish like me. The most challenging part of my sprint triathlon last weekend had nothing to do with physical endurance, although I did feel like I was going to fall off my heavy mountain…

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