Yesterday I mentioned my wise theology professor, Keith Egan. In an article entitled “Banishing Anxiety,” he wrote the following about hope: “Hope is a call to choose life and to choose it to the full, to live vibrantly knowing that Jesus Christ did not die in vain. The hope offered by Jesus has roots in…

This beautiful prayer by Mother Teresa articulates for me what pure compassion looks like. If it were shorter, I’d have it memorized. (But my spiritual hard drive has very little memory–thus, the post-its and clutter around my desk.) Dear Jesus,Help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go.Flood our souls with your Spirit and life.Penetrate…

Since it is now the Easter Season (according to the church year), I thought I’d mention some words spoken by the Risen Lord that help me with my anxiety and depression: “Do not be afraid.” (Matt. 28:9) “Woman, why are you weeping?” (John 20:15) “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so…

As a graduate student pursuing a degree in theology twelve years ago, I took a course called Systematic Theology–by far my toughest class–by a brilliant professor who was dying of bone marrow cancer. No one knew she was dying. She kept her diagnosis to herself and, as best as she could, covering up her chemotherapy…

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