Okay, let’s say there really IS something out there called Internet addiction. What does one do about it? Recently an old pal, upon seeing that I went from 50 Facebook friends to 500 in only two months (yah!) sent me a book, “Breaking Free of the Web: Catholics and Internet Addiction” by Kimberly Young, Phy.D.…

One of the things that I truly love about my job is that it puts me in touch with head doctors all over the world, and I get to speak to them without having to pay a lot of money! I’m always flattered when a psychologist or psychiatrist links to my blog or incorporates one…

Let me utter my full disclosure upfront: I spend way too much time on the social networking site, Facebook, and there is a very real possibility that I’m addicted to it. In fact, I’m developing my own twelve-step program to manage this behavior in case my friends and family decide to do an intervention on…

Yah! I’m off the hook! There is no such thing as Internet addiction says fellow mental-health blogger John Grohol, CEO of Psych Central. To get to the meat of his argument, click here. Here are some excerpts: What’s happening today and some people’s reaction to the Internet is neither new nor unique — it’s as…

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