For Valentine’s Day, I wrote a piece for Everyday Health on how Eric and I stick together despite an illness that taxes both of us physically and emotionally. To read the piece, click this link. Here is the beginning …. “In sickness and in health.” Folks rarely think about the implication of those five words…

On Presidents’ Day I like to celebrate the birthday of my mental health hero. On those mornings I wake up embarrassed that I have aired my dirty laundry to the world–i.e. confessed to whomever reads my blog–that I am, in fact, a holy whackjob, I pull out a five dollar bill. And I look at…

John Grohol, over at, has some good tips for the recently laid off. He’s right in saying that losing your job feels like having the wind knocked out of you. I think this is especially true for men, since work is so much a part of their identity. John writes: When the economy —…

I thought I’d repost this piece from my archives, since it is a message I always need to be reminded of. Because battles don’t go away. You just get stronger in how you deal with them. Winston Churchill once wrote, “The heights of great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight, But…

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