Beyond Blue

Taro Gold compiled some great quotes on perfectionism in “Living Wabi Sabi.” Among them: This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfection. -Saint Augustine Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.…

how to overcome hopelessness, understanding hopelessness

quotes on hope

I have admitted this before: I’m a meditation moron. I swear I try. Thought, don’t land. Thought, don’t land. Keep on flying, thought. Keep on flying. I’m trying to meditate. This goes on usually for the entire 15 minutes I have designated for prayer and meditation. So, instead of fighting the thoughts, I have (with…

It’s rare that I find my inspiration in a Hannah Montana song, but I have to say that this little rock star nailed the experience of living with chronic illness in her refrain to the song, “The Climb”:   There’s always going to be another mountain I’m always going to want to make it move…

I actually taped this video awhile back. Some of you may have already seen it. Even though it’s not a great shot of me, the video’s message, on perseverance, is important, I think. And that’s the theme today. So I hope you can get past the ugly green background and my messy hair. * Click here…

Why does God allow pain? Why is there suffering?

strengths and weaknesses

The following tips are from Jenna Forrest, an empowerment coach in Durham, North Carolina who helps her highly sensitive clients to understand, refine, and embrace their sensory abilities. 1. Understand their Trait: The sensitive must first get to know him/herself in the context of their trait. They can do this by reading books about their…

In her national bestseller “The Highly Sensitive Person,” Elaine Aron describes four kinds of rest that are essential for highly-sensitive (and I’d add depressed) persons: Sleep If you have trouble sleeping, make this your first priority. Research on chronic sleep loss has found that when people are allowed to sleep as much as they need,…

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