Beyond Blue

Here is the text of “Desiderata,” the timeless classic (found in Old St. Paul’s Church in Baltimore, which was founded in 1692, and thought to have been written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann) that hung in the laundry room of my childhood house, and sort of got imprinted on my soul. Back when I had…

I go to confession once a month, where I sit down at the City Dock Café in Annapolis across the table from Deacon Moore (one of my older, balding male friends), and I tell him everything I’m feeling guilty about. He usually absolves me of my sins right then and there, in between sips of…

Deacon Moore is the same guy who assured me that visiting my mother-in-law as often as possible with the kids, and trying to help her out when I can, qualifies as legitimate charity work–that goodwill starts at home, and sometimes there is so much need there that you simply don’t have enough energy to do…

My heart goes out to reader Nancy, who posted the following message on my “Depression Is Conquerable” post: “I read with interest your posts about depression. I have been a long-time sufferer–since I was a child–of major depression as well as post traumatic stress disorder. I have taken countless medications, undergone cognitive behavioral therapy treatment…

Speaking of helpful mental health practitioners, I wanted to mention Beliefnet’s very cool new tool “Find a Therapist,” powered by “Psychology Today.” I hope you don’t need it (you know, I wish you peace), but if you do, there it is!

I mentioned Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) the other day, but the link to the article on it required a password. Sorry about that. Here are some excerpts from an interview with Helen S. Mayberg, M.D., professor of psychiatry and neurology at Emory University School of Medicine that appeared in the Fall 2006 issue of Johns…

I recently dragged my kids to Baltimore so that I could have lunch with an old colleague (he’s young…but we’ve known each other for 13 years) at the National Catholic Education Association convention. A gifted writer and speaker, my friend can get his audience to laugh right after they’ve cried. As my Katherine and David…

Here are some more of the lyrics from Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem”: “The birds they sang at the break of day Start again I heard them say Don’t dwell on what has passed away or what is yet to be. Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in…

I have a magnet on my refrigerator that reads “Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you’re an a—hole.” It’s a gentle but effective reminder that on those days that I manage to piss off every person around me, God will still give me an invitation to his big bash in heaven if I say…

What do the Christian existential thinker Soren Kierkegaard and the movie “The Full Monty” (the 1997 flick about six unemployed steel workers who form a male striptease act) have in common? Let me tell you. Kierkegaard described despair as not being conscious of having a self, not willing to be oneself, and despair at the…

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