Beyond Blue

A dozen tips and techniques for managing anxiety.

Learning to read the daily newspaper as a depressive is like learning to feed the ducks in Annapolis without getting crapped on by the seagulls: it demands good timing, a certain strategy, and an obnoxiously wide hat (to shield your head). I can’t check every half hour for the most recent headlines like Eric…

Some of you may recognize my dream, but I like to repost it every now and then to keep it alive and give it legs. In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.: I have a dream that one day I won’t hold my breath every time I tell a person that I suffer from bipolar…

how to overcome hopelessness, understanding hopelessness

I have decided to dedicate a post on Thursday to therapy, and offer you the many tips I have learned on the couch. They will be a good reminder for me, as well, of something small I can concentrate on. Many of them are published in my book, “The Pocket Therapist: An Emotional Survival Kit.”…

Are you more susceptible to illness than other people? Do you have difficulty establishing proper boundaries in relationships, and communicating your needs?  You could be a Type C personality, which makes you more susceptible to illnesses, says Michael Jawer in the fascinating book he wrote with Marc Micozzi, M.D, Ph.D., called “The Spiritual Anatomy of…

Last month’s video kind of ruined the surprise of today’s, but I suspect you were asking yourself, “What in the world is that thing she keeps holding up?” Well this week I get to tell you the details. Tune in for yet another sanity exercise and visualization. To view the YouTube video, click here. * Click…

I wish psychiatrists sent depressives home with instructions on when to go to the hospital similar to the ones obstetricians give to pregnant women once they reach 37 weeks of gestation: when your contractions last for a minute each and are five minutes apart, start the ignition! “How did you know it was time to…

An epiphany can mean several things: an “Aha!” moment after relentless searching and study, the first time you see something (or someone) in its natural form, or the Christian feast commemorating the visit and adoration of the Christ Child by the three wise men. As a child, I imagined I was a Wise Girl (not…

Stress is like dark chocolate. A little of it won’t kill you. In fact, small blocks here and there can be good for you, or at least give you a reason to get of bed in the morning. But chronic and severe stress can damage your body and mind, blocking the fluid communication to and…

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