Beyond Blue

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Steppin’ Out Radio in New York City. The show is hosted by WABC-TV’s anchor and sports director, Scott Clark. He’s also a recovering alcoholic who is passionate about helping other addicts come to terms with their addiction. I am going to interview both…

I now know that gratitude is a separate animal to my depression, and that sometimes confusing the two, especially while in a depressive cycle, can do more harm than good.

Today’s interview is with happiness expert Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., who is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside and the author of “The How of Happiness.” In 2002, Lyubomirsky was awarded a Templeton Positive Psychology Prize. Currently, she holds a 5-year million-dollar grant (with Ken Sheldon) from the National Institute of Mental Health…

In the 1980s psychologist Everett L. Worthington, Jr. Ph.D., began studying forgiveness while working with troubled couples. On New Year’s Eve, 1995, his mother was murdered. Dr. Worthington then dedicated his life to encouraging and educating people about forgiveness. He turned grief into mission by writing books, speaking, and founding A Campaign for Forgiveness, which…

Since we are the topic of forgiveness, I thought I’d share with you an excerpt from my book, “The Pocket Therapist.” Mother Teresa once said, “Whatever our religion, we know that if we really want to love, we must first learn to forgive before anything else.” My best friend, Beatriz, taught me that same lesson…

According to a new study by the University of Delaware, it's jealousy that literally blinds us!

These 8 techniques will lead me out of the continent of jealousy and home, to self-acceptance ... theoretically.

It is true both that very little depression is entirely the fault of the sufferer, and that almost all depression can be ameliorated with rigor.

Can a person practice mindfulness even though she relies on medication? Psychologist Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. helps us with that question.

Never place a period where God has placed a comma. That’s a line from comedienne Gracie Allen. Beliefnet’s faith editor, Ansley Roan, reminded me of that saying after reading my post last week about my bad book sales numbers and why I was tempted to never ever write another book proposal again, and why I…

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