Beyond Blue

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I wanted to republish this video today because it’s the anniversary of my father’s death, and close to the one-year anniversary of the death that I witnessed last year when I went home to visit my high school alma mater.

Here are a few therapeutic activities that can help you grieve a loss of a loved one.

I’m new to this webcast stuff. Today will be my first one. I will be answering questions on today’s “Digest This” webcast, a weekly hour-long online discussion hosted by WHYY’s Health and Science team. It will be held today from 12 to 1. You can join the discussion by clicking here. I will be discussing…

My New Year's resolution? To be less of a people-pleaser

I’ve been through the pub date cycle before. For a day–sometimes two–you’ve got your publicist’s undivided attention, you check your Amazon rating a dozen or so times throughout the day, and you pray to the patron saint of the Today Show (Saint Meredith or Matt) to make you famous for a week. You crash from…

I loved this piece by my friend and Jesuit priest (but don’t hold that against him) Jim Martin on finding God in the hard stuff. I thought you’d all like it, too. Click here for the original link. “Don’t you care about us?” That’s not the voice of a few petulant children, but of Jesus’s…

I often quote fellow blogger Gretchen Rubin on Beyond Blue because most of her directives for a happier life apply to sanity, as well. I recognize many of my steps to recovery from depression and addiction both on her blog and now in her handsome and insightful book, “The Happiness Project.” I have to be…

Harvard psychologist and bestselling author Daniel Gilbert has teamed up with Vulcan Productions and the NOVA/WGBH Science Unit to create a multimedia project called “This Emotional Life.” A 3-part documentary premieres on PBS January 4-6, 2010, but there is plenty going on already on the fascinating website, which features expert bloggers and clips from the…

Today is my pub date for my book, “Beyond Blue: Surviving Depression & Anxiety and Making the Most of Bad Genes,” which means it is now in bookstores (theoretically anyway).   So I wanted to reflect on why I wrote it … I’m a tad over hearing about how depression and other mood disorders are…

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