My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. II Corinthians 12:9b

Do you feel too weak to bear the struggles and the temptations in your life?  Good news!  We have all the power of the Almighty God available to us.  He delights in showing His strength in our weaknesses.

We see it over and over in the Bible.  Moses was hiding out in the desert, Gideon was cowaring behind the farm equipment, and Jonah was running away in a ship.  These were weak, ineffectual guys who were not likely picks for leaders.  Yet God showed His own strength in a miraculous way.  It was obvious that it wasn’t Moses’ leadership skills or Gideon’s bravery that won the day  It was God.

Perhaps you are tired of the struggle and the failure.  Turn to the all-sufficient God and tell Him so.  He promises grace to those who are weak and power to the helpless.  He has all the strength you need to resist temptation — or for any other difficulty you can ever face.

Eating to live and living for Christ,
Susan Jordan Brown



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