There was that look again.  My friend’s eyes began to glaze over — and I realized I had been talking too much about my weight loss plan.

It happens. We talk about the things that concern us, the things going on in our lives.  When we are on a life-changing quest for health, we can’t help but describe our experiences and the things we are learning — our victories and our falls.  It’s just that our friends are often through listening before we are through talking about it.  Either they don’t want to hear about something they should be doing themselves, or they aren’t vitally interested in the things that interest us at the moment.

So we need to find the friends who ARE interested.  It helps to find others who are on the same page so you can encourage each other.  Support groups are important.  If there isn’t one around, you might want to start one. At least find one friend who is willing to be your partner.

I’ve also found that writing down my experiences in a journal helps on several levels.  It gives me perspective as I look back over my ups and downs and I see the upward trend in my health and the downward trend on the scales.  Sometimes, especially on a “down” day, the progress isn’t that clear, so it helps to have an overall picture to pull out and review.  Besides, once it is written down, I feel like I’ve already talked it out, so friends and family don’t have to listen to me.

But, what if your friends and loved ones NEED to be joining you and you are genuinely concerned about their health?  Can you talk them into a healthier lifestyle?


Not one person was ever nagged into better health.  Everyone has to decide for himself that he needs to change. The best thing you can do for your friends is to SHOW them rather than TELL them.  It will soon be apparent that you have more energy — and that you are looking good in your smaller-sized clothes.  Demonstrate for them that it can be done and that the rewards are worth the effort.  Your success will prompt them to change more powerfully than words you can say.

So try to keep the weight loss discussion to those who are on the journey with you — and watch out for that glazed-over look in your friends’ eyes.  You don’t want to have to get new friends to go along with your new, smaller wardrobe!

Eating to live and living for Christ,

Susan Jordan Brown

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