Laundry — bleuh!  I know it’s crazy to complain when I can remember my grandma scrubbing her clothes on a washboard in a metal tub out in the yard.  All I have to do is sort them, change from washer to dryer, and fold and put them away.   But it’s b-o-r-i-n-g!

I know most of you feel the same way, so let’s look at ways to turn that irksome chore into quality work-out time.

First you have to gather up the laundry and drag it to the laundry room.  So put on your pedometer and start adding steps. Walk fast and hold your stomach in.  If you have kids, some of that dirty laundry will be on the floor, so do squats to pick them up.   Do more squats instead of bending over the basket to sort the clothes.

When the clothes come out of the dryer, fold them right away. (I know all about stashing the clean clothes to avoid folding them until later.)  As you fold, do calf raises.  Stand straight and raise up on your toes and hold for a count of three.  Slowly come back down on your heels.  Hold your proper pelvic tilt (pretending you are holding a hundred dollar bill in your butt cheeks) and pull  in your stomach to work out abs at the same time.

Now briskly put the laundry away.  Don’t put the clothes at the bottom of the stairs, but climb up and put them were they belong.  Check your pedometer. How many steps have you added?

By the time you have your laundry folded and put away you will have worked out your calves, glutes, and abs  and added steps to your daily total.  Your chore is done and you have accompished something good for yourself without ever leaving your house. Win-win!

Eating to live and living for Christ,

Susan Jordan Brown


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