I looked at the recipe in disbelief.  NINE eggs? Surely that was a misprint.  Only 3/4 cup flour in a cake?  Not likely.  As I studied about coconut flour, though, I saw that, yes, it does take that many eggs to make a successful cake with this healthy type of flour, and it takes a…

A sweetener that keeps your hair from turning gray?  That’s just one of the interesting claims I encountered when researching blackstrap molasses — another in our series of sugar alternatives. Another thing I didn’t know — molasses is the “waste product” of refining sugar cane.  You’ve heard a million times that sugar provides lots of…

There are a lot of sugars out there!  This series has brought lots of questions, comments, and not a little discussion and disagreement.  Several people asked me to do a summing up of what I found.  Let me stress that the judgements here are mine.  I found lots of contradictory info on every single product. …

I still remember asking a friend, “How is the diet going?” “It’s all over,” she said sadly. “My husband brought me a doughnut and begged me to eat it.” Now, why would a loving husband insist his wife go off her diet and eat a doughnut?  Because she was driving him crazy.  The medical name…

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