Beyond Gorgeous

We spend a lot of time figuring out how to do our work more efficiently.  That’s fine — unless we are doing it so we have more time to spend on the couch in front of the TV.  Did you know that you burn more calories doing nothing at all than you spend watching TV? …

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. Have mercy upon me and hear my prayer.  Ps. 4:1 Do you feel distressed, depressed, and like giving up?  There’s a better answer than a candy bar.  Take your problems and the frazzled emotions they caused…

We’ve been talking about making housework into a workout.  Vacuuming is another chore that can become a calorie burner.  Here’s how: As you vacuum the floor, do split lunges. Lunge forward to work the thigh and gluteus muscles. Be sure to keep your back straight, your head facing forward and don’t let your knees go…

Need to get your heart rate up, but no time for the gym?  Try interval housework training. Interval training is a new method of exercise I’ve been reading about. You do any kind of aerobic exercise at a moderate pace for about five minutes to warm up.  Then you spend a minute doing it as…

Where did those pounds come from?  Every veteran dieter knows the depression that comes from seeing hard-fought fat reappear like a recurring nightmare.  It takes so long and such diligence to rid ourselves of those unwanted bulges, and it seems they come back without any help at all. Sometimes the reason is obvious.  I just…

A fruit that does everything from preventing cancer to curing bad breath?  Yes, this one fruit has too many health benefits to list them all in one short blog.  It’s also very low on the glycemic index at less than 15.  And it tastes good!  Ironically, you’ve probably seen it as an indulgence to be…

Laundry — bleuh!  I know it’s crazy to complain when I can remember my grandma scrubbing her clothes on a washboard in a metal tub out in the yard.  All I have to do is sort them, change from washer to dryer, and fold and put them away.   But it’s b-o-r-i-n-g! I know most…

“Ye have not resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”  Hebrews 12:4 “I just can’t help it,” a friend told me. “I’ve tried every diet known to man — or woman — and I’ve always failed. God must want me to be fat, for some reason.” I understood where she was coming from. I’ve done the…

So, you are ready to ditch the grains and go for a healthier, diet with less gluten.How do you do that?  One way is to replace the grains with quinoa (keen-wa). We talked in our blog yesterday about the many health advantages these seeds provide.  Today, as promised, here is the recipe for quinoa with…

A new wonder grain that is rich in protein and low on the glycemic index? Well, almost. Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) isn’t really new, since it was cultivated by the ancient Incas in the Andes Mountains of South America.  They called it the “Mother Grain.” And it actually isn’t a grain.  It’s not a grass product,…

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