Beyond Gorgeous

…Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.  Deut. 1:6 Mountains aren’t bad places to dwell.  Metaphorically speaking, mountains are the high points of our lives.  The trouble only comes when we are stuck on the mountain. The children of Israel had made it out of the slavery of Egypt and had wandered in the…

It’s recipe day — and I have a really tasty, nutty, low glycemic side dish for you today.  This may be one of my new favorites! Nutty Carrot/Apple Salad Ingredients 2-3 medium carrots, chopped 1 apple, chopped and coated with lemon juice to prevent browning 1/4 cup walnuts (or more, to taste) Dressing Ingredients 2…

Want the easiest way possible to speed up your metabolism?  Catch some more zzzzz’s! It’s true.   In 1999 the University of Chicago did a study with eleven lean young men.  They had them sleep eight hours for the first three nights. Then for sixteen nights the men slept only four hours, between 1 a.m.…

People trapped by pounds of fat feel like hiding in the dark. (Been there!)  But one of the best things you can do to speed up that dragging metabolism is to get out in the sunshine. I know, we’ve been told for years that the sun is our enemy and will give us skin cancer. …

Stress. It’s a part of our lives.  People give us problems.  We have money worries.  Our schedules are too busy.  It’s not pleasant. Now we know from numerous studies that stress not only takes its toll on your nerves. It slows your metabolism and makes you fatter. The reason?  It’s a hormone called cortisol.  This…

Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy, but the worst habit you could possibly have. – Dale Carnegie Whine, whine, whine.  Haven’t we all been there?  We see thin people chow down on brownies and ice cream and just watching them makes our fat cells expand. We…

Some people love salad and scarf down the veggies with cries of “Yum!”  Others of us think salad is something to eat salad dressing on. That’s not good, because salad dressing tends to be heavily laden with bad stuff, like high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and, oh yes, calories. So I was delighted to come across a…

This one is no surprise.  If you want your body to burn calories faster, you have to get up and move. I wish I could just pick the expert with the advice I like the most and give it to you as fact.  Unfortunately, the experts rarely agree on anything, including the effect of exercise. …

How do you rev up your sluggish metabolism?  Try packing in the protein.   Numerous studies have shown that eating fewer carbs and emphasizing proteins help with weight loss, blood sugar issues, and cardiovascular health.  Let’s go inside our bodies to take a look at why this is true. You are doing well eating a…

Does your body seem to hang onto the calories instead of burning them off?  An answer to speeding up your metabolism may be as close as your kitchen faucet.  You can speed up your metabolism by drinking more water. Here’s why it works:  Your kidneys have the task of filtering fluids and getting rid of…

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