Beyond Gorgeous

Don’t be afraid of hunger.  It isn’t the enemy. It’s just a tool your body has of letting your “conscious pilot” know it is time to refuel. We talked in earlier posts about the “auto-pilot” in your brain who controls your inner workings while your conscious “you” copes with more important things in the outside…

I stopped in front of a storefront at the mall. “Oh, look!” I said. “They’ve put in one of those ice cream places we’ve seen advertised.  Let’s try it.” “I’ll get you something if you want,” my naturally-thin husband, Paul, replied. “I’m not hungry right now.” Not hungry?  What does that have to do it? …

Can fats help you lose weight?  Yes, they can.  Fats do two important things that aid in your journey to a healthier weight.  The most important thing they do is slow down digestion.  Fats take longer to digest and turn into sugar for fuel.  Your body gets the sugar in dribs and drabs instead of…

Fats — the good (unsaturated), the bad — (saturated).  Today we are going to look at the ugly.  The type of fat that has no redeeming qualities.  Avoid it!  We’re talking about the Dracula of fats, trans fat. Trans fat are not found in nature, but are man-made.  Someone figured out that you add hydrogen…

Good-for-you fat?  Yes!  Unsaturated fats aren’t the diet “bad guys” but are important for your health.  Today we’re looking at Omega 3s.  This type of fat reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke.  It also helps reduce symptoms of hypertension, depression, attention deficit disorder, joint pain, and other rheumatoid problems, as well as some…

Are all fats evil?  Not all!  Some are even essential for your health.  We talked about how saturated fats have a high melting point and tend to clump together, which is a cause for concern when it happens in your arteries.  Your body trying to use saturated fats is sort of like trying to dance…

So, do you really want to dance with Herman Munster?  Probably not. We talked in yesterday’s blog about fats — and the way saturated fats are stable and don’t move or interact easily.  Making our bodies use saturated fats is a little like trying to dance with a cumbersome partner.  Think Herman Munster. But saturated…

Fats — the good, the bad, and the ugly. There are some fats that are good for you. Some are even essential, which means that you can’t live without them and they have to come from your diet since your body can’t make them. The difference is in the structure of the fats.  Here is…

Fat is the evil monster that makes you unhealthy and packs on the pounds — or so modern thought would have you believe. For the last 20 plus years, dietary fat has been cast in the role of a villain, and low fat diets held out as the hero.  So has the advent of low…

“I may look like I’m not doing anything, but at a cellular level, I am really quite busy.”  Anonymous I saw this on a poster intended to be funny, but it’s actually true!  While you are going about your business, your “autopilot” is busy taking care of the business of keeping you alive.  Lots of…

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