Beyond Gorgeous

Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits.  Anonymous  It’s called inertia.  Things that are at rest don’t want to start moving.  It affects all of us, and as we get older, it exerts a stronger and stronger pull. “Would you get me a cup of coffee while you are up?” we ask.…

You see lots of advertisements about products that help you lose weight.  What really works and what is just plain hype?  We’ll be taking a look at some of the most popular weight loss aids and see which ones can actually help you. Today let’s take a look at meal replacement shakes.  Clinical studies have…

Exercise is your king, and nutrition is your queen. Together they create your fitness kingdom.  Jack LaLane Jack LaLane hit the airwaves as a fitness guru in those early days of television. I remember him jumping and stretching on our black and white set when black and white sets were the newest wave of technology.…

So, what does a low glycemic meal look like?  What are you supposed to eat?  Here are some suggestions.  What’s for breakfast? *You can have eggs  — scrambled, poached, or in an omelet. Limit fried eggs as they add calories. *You can also have breakfast meats such as bacon or sausage.  Again, keep in mind…

Do you ever eat, simply because you feel unloved or unfulfilled?  It’s not unusual for people to try to fill themselves up with food when they are emotionally empty.  But it never works.  When the food is gone and the sugar is packed tightly into the fat cells and straining the waistband, loneliness and boredom…

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.  Anonymous The first step is knowing what to do.  Then get started.  After that it is simple. Just keep walking! The trouble is, it is so easy to sit down in the middle of the road — or…

Mom always told you to slow down, take smaller bites, and chew your food.  Now there is a “smart” device to make you do just that. It started with a woman who has a physical condition that causes growths on her palate.    Since the growths took up space in her mouth and made eating…

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. Have mercy upon me and hear my prayer.  Ps. 4:1 Do you feel distressed, depressed, and like giving up?  There’s a better answer than a candy bar.  Take your problems and the frazzled emotions they caused…

We want to see results right now!  That’s the way we live in today’s world.  Information is at our fingertips, meals are available in minutes at the drive-thru and we can microwave anything to be ready in a jiff.  Long term goals tend to be a drag.  So what immediate results can you see from…

What makes it easier for YOU to keep your resolutions?  A lot depends on your personality type.  If you are a leader personality, you will do best by organizing a group and leading it.  If you are a sparkler, joining a group and making it fun with socializing will be your path to weight loss. …

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