Beyond Gorgeous

Sometimes it just happens.  You are rolling along on your new healthy lifestyle and feeling pretty good — and good about yourself.  You are developing a taste for good-for-you low glycemic food and only rarely miss that soda.  Exercise has become a part of your life, not something you must do for a while. Then…

What’s causing your weight gain?  You might have picked up the culprit at your pharmacy.  Antibiotics are wonder drugs that have changed the face of medicine and saved countless lives over the past 70 years or so.  However, no drugs can be used without long-term consequences.  Scientists are discovering an unexpected side effect of antibiotic…

You knew that exercise is good for your circulation.  You can feel your blood pumping, oxygenating all your organs as you do a vigorous workout.  Did you know that you have another circulatory system going on?  It’s  like the body’s garbage pickup and recycling system.  It’s called your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system picks up …

“As long as we keep eating, we don’t have to wash the dishes.” My Grandma used to quote that old saying. It probably referred to more in life than eating, but it applies to those of us who are moving to a state of health and vitality beyond gorgeous. Have you ever prolonged a meal…

Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2) Can’t stop thinking about food?  Maybe that’s a signal to you that you need to change your focus.  The more you set your sights on the Lord and think of Him, the less you will be tied down to the things of…

Sleeping better may help with your weight loss goals by keeping your hunger vs. fullness hormones in balance. Besides that, avoiding being over-tired can help you also avoid over-eating and binging. Not to mention that you won’t be in the refrigerator getting a late-night snack if you are peacefully snoozing. So how do you get…

Sometimes you gain weight when you lose sleep.  Will sleeping more help you drop the pounds? Maybe.  First there is the relationship between the hunger hormone ghrelin and the fullness hormone leptin that we looked at yesterday.  When you are sleep deprived, your body produces more of the “eat” hormone and less of the “stop…

Lose weight while you sleep!  That sounds like a late-night infomercial for a miracle pill.  Too bad those things never work.  However, there is a definite connection between how much you sleep and how much you eat.  The amount — and the quality — of your nightly sleep can make a difference in your overall…

“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” Yogi Berra What is your goal?  I hope it isn’t measured in just pounds or inches — but in a state of health and well-being.  Think about where you are headed and what you want to be. …

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.  I John 4:9 Numbers — they describe many things — but none of them describe your worth.  Your value can’t be measured with the bathroom scale.  Smaller numbers…

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