Rivaling the discovering of the Talpiot Tomb itself is this new revelation presented above in a news source almost as reliable as the recent book on the tomb of Jesus. Who knew that the M+M on that candy actually stood for Mary Magdalene!!!
You just never know where ole Mary Magdalene may pop up next and who she might be linked with. It would be interesting to see her on an episode of “Desperate Housewives”. I can only imagine the stories she could tell about being married to Jesus– “Cooking for that man was just impossible– he demanded that everything be just perfect”. Or perhaps we may hope to see an image of her appear on a barn in Nebraska. Me personally I am holding out for the line of Mary Magdalene clothes and accessories. I gather they’re doing something with bringing out a new line of burkas as well with her label on them.
Stay tuned for further revelations about Mary Magdalene. You may yet prove to be one of her descendants 🙂