Lots of my students, unfortunately, use the Internet as a substitute for good careful research. It’s seductive and easy and quick. It forestalls long hours in the library. It often leads to shoddy research and worse papers. I can tell you right now that some of the most popular sites which they use are not…

In the truth is stranger than fiction category is the story that my friend Bill Barnwell sent me about a Southern Baptist pastor in California. Here is the link to the story that made headlines out there: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-drake16aug16,1,787901.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california This pastor has urged his congregation to pray imprecatory prayers against some folks that blew the whistle…

There was an interesting story on ABC news tonight about the fallout from the lead paint recall of Mattel toys made in China. The story stressed that the Chinese workers now laid off were making about 18 cents an hour for their toil. Compare this to what blue collar workers would make over here performing…

My grandfather was a fireman, indeed he was the fire chief in Wilmington N.C. Here is a wonderful oxymoronic ice sculpture of a fire man. What makes this one especially poignant is that this is an image from 9-11 from a fireman involved in quenching the blaze at the World Trade Center and rescuing those…

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