Clodhoppers and sodbusters
Creeping across the plains,
Finding their own domain,
Wanderlust finally waned,
Thrill seekers and risk takers
Pushing the envelope
Racing up the slope
Until they couldn’t cope
Mate seekers and date seekers
Combing the internet
Deciding to hedge their bets
Tired of not finding yet
Politicos and Pac Men
Always testing the wind
Always prepared to bend
Whatever it takes to win
Lawyers and Litigants
Suing to get their way
Heedless of what they pay
Until the judgment day
Sports stars and movie stars
Shining in media’s light
Getting their image right
Stylin’ both day and night
Teachers and preachers
Thinking they know it all
Ignoring verity’s call
Pushed up against the wall
Pastors and ministers
Envisioning great success
Placing themselves under stress
Never confront or confess
‘Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.’
BW3– 12-4-07