If you are at all a student of Christian history, you will know there have been numerous martyrdoms of Christians in every age of the Christian era. You don’t even need to consult a hagiographic work like Foxe’s Book of Martyrs to know this is true. I was in Turkey two years ago when some…

WAR’S WISDOMThey say there is no wisdomThey say it isn’t so,They stir up rainy weatherBut then it starts to snow. Poor prognosticatorsPungent pundits tooThey trust their own predictionsBut don’t know what to do. The politics of fear,And self protection reignAs if killing all our foesWas possible and sane. We alienate our alliesWe say we’ll go…

The following is a sermon for Oct. 15, 2008 in Estes Chapel, Asbury Seminary YOU BE THE JUDGE—- Mt. 7.1-6 Some texts in the NT ought to be able to sue for abuse and misuse. Mt. 7.1-6 is one of those texts. How many times have you heard someone say ‘judge not lest you be…

For eleven years of my life I lived an hour and a bit from Cleveland, and came to know a lot of wonderful folks who were die-hard Browns fans. There was a poignancy to that loyalty, much like the loyalty to the Cubs. You learn something about unconditional love when you meet these folks. One…

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