In a year of political tensions and lengthy debates, and with the race in doubt, there seems now to be a new candidate who has entered the Presidential race at the llth hour, and is gathering a following. Copy and paste this link into your browser to find out who 🙂

Alexandria Satellite Photo, including harbor. Here is an interesting news item about what appears to be an incantation bowl found in Alexandria harbor. I doubt this item could possibly date earlier than the mid to late first century, for Christianity as we know it seems to have come to Alexandria in mid-century (e.g. consider the…

Dr. Bill Arnold and I have been colleagues and friends for a long time now, teaching together at both Ashland Theological Seminary, and then we both came to Asbury Theological Seminary at the same time in 1995. Bill is what the Britsh would call a top drawer OT scholar, and the proof of this is…

Clement of Rome is an interesting figure in early Christian history, not least because he had contact with some of the original Christian eyewitnesses, apostles and their co-workers. Hermas mentions this Clement (Shepherd 8.2) as a leader in the church in Rome to whom he sent a book, who was then to “distribute it to…

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