STONE: THE COLD HARD FACTS* A stone Stands alone Unmoved Unmoveable In stele silence. Solid but cold Hard but old Yet not aging Rocks of ages The stuff of idols Edifices Statues Monoliths Cornerstones Keystones Tombstones Petraglyphs From you The Pieta From you Rocky Petrified by Stone Mountain or Mt. Rushmore From you Avalanche From…

The Reviews of my most personal and intimate work are pouring in and here are some of the first ones. For those interested in exploring the work more here is the link– ————— “I have known Ben Witherington as a superb scholar, teacher, and proclaimer of God’s Word. This book introduces us to Ben…

Well, I’ve heard it all now. A priest in South Carolina, one Jay Scott Newman (no relation, I suppose, to John Henry Newman) has decided that parishioners who voted for Barack Obama are not entitled to the grace of Jesus Christ through communion until they’ve done penance. In a pastoral letter to his Greenville S.C.…

Vengeance, revenge, wrath. It is often the human response to being deeply wounded, or having someone you love be deeply wounded or even killed. And while it is perfectly normal as a fallen human response to injustice and wickedness, this in itself does not make it a good or godly response. Can one really get…

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