How do you measure a human heart?
By beats and chambers four?
By calculating capacity,
Or do you look for more?

Do you follow the Egyptians
Placing hearts upon a scale?
The ones that were the heaviest
Were those beyond the pale.

Or should we think like Hebrews
Who saw within the heart
The locus of thought, feeling, will
The place where ‘souls’ start?

Or should we heed the doctors
Who say its just a pump,
That keeps our lifeblood circulating
While listening to it thump?

But what of seers and sages
Who spoke so long ago.
And told us the heart is where God dwells
And love divine also?

Judging a heart is not a task
The faint of heart should try
There’s more to love than feelings
Much more than meets the eye.

And if we ask about love’s labors
And when they may be done
It is by loving others
That a true heart is won.

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