
What lessons are learned

From the talismans of time

Is life absurd

Or is it sublime?


Smoke on the mountain

Fire in the sky

So much pure beauty

No one asks why.


Why do the sunsets

Remind we must die

Why do sunrises

Urge lift up your eyes?


Why then is darkness

An ensign of sin

Why is the light

How all life begins?


Why is there beauty

When frost kills the leaves

Is it reminder

Of his dying for me?


Snowflakes in winter

Each one unique

Blend into an oblivion

Pointless to seek?


What are the harbingers

That remind of the past

What signs presage

What can and will last?


Jesus once queried  

Why the signs in the sky

Are easier to read

Than the Kingdom drawing nigh.


God’s ways are not our ways

Our eyes remain blind

To the signs of his purpose,

Of an orderly mind.

Signs of the seasons

Hint how things will be

Beauty and truth

In true harmony.



Asheville,  Sept. 09     

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