The following is an interview that appeared in the periodical Academic Alert.   The Indelible Image: The Theological and Ethical Thought Word of the New Testament   Within the next few months Ben Witherington–Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary, Doctoral Faculty St. Mary’s College, St. Andrews University, and the fastest two…

The phone call was urgent.  Can you do an interview at 5:15 about some coins found in Egypt that are claimed to be from the era of Joseph and even perhaps with his picture on them?  Here is the link to the initial story in the Jerusalem Post— I must admit I was instantly…

Michael Moore, our national agent provocateur, is nothing if he is not controversial.  But in a democracy with freedom of speech, it’s good to have prophets and pundits and pot stirrers and he is one such person.  Some find his docu-drama’s infuriating, some find them fascinating, some just find them funny.  I have found them…

The final six sessions of the new series of Deeper Connections ar called The Last Days of Jesus which is a bit odd, since the first two sessions deal with the confession of Peter at Caesarea Philippi (mis-spelled on the intro video to the first session) well before Passion Week, and the Transfiguration story which…

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