The Bible and Culture

Stratford-upon-Avon. Its a rather idyllic place. I’ve been there on various occasions, sometimes to see the latest versions of the Bard’s plays. But unfortunately while his plays and his theater thrive and go from strength to strength, William Shakespeare’s home church is going to wrack and ruin. Between the deathwatch beetles (no not Paul or…

They’re mad, and their not going to take it any more. There has been a spate of books, TV shows, NPR interviews, magazine stories and the like involving one or more of the angry atheists. Sam Schulman of the Wall Street Journal has had about his fill of them. On Friday January 5th of this…

I do a lot of flying, some years about a flight a week to do seminars and preaching events in various places, so it is good to know our pilots have a sense of humor.It’s also good to know that the air up there produces some choice remarks 🙂 BW3 ACTUAL EXCHANGES BETWEEN PILOTS AND…

Her name was Bertha Albright, and she was a real saint of Concord United Methodist Church in the little village of Coleridge N.C. After my wife and I had moved to Coleridge from Durham England where we lived in the shadow of a Norman Cathedral and in the midst of so much rich culture, going…

It was 1974 and I was graduating from Carolina and Mike Ford was graduating from Wake Forrest. We had talked about being roomates at Gordon-Conwell where we had both enrolled to go to seminary. He sent me a note in the summer saying it wasn’t going to work out. Gordon-Conwell was the seminary that Billy…

I remember the feeling very well. That deep anxiety or fear in the pit of my stomach. It happened when I went before the scholarship committee at Chapel Hill to win a full ride to Carolina. I thought I did o.k., but I didn’t get the scholarship. I remember it again when I interviewed for…

It is hard to believe it has been thirty years that we have been being regaled with the saga of Rocky Balboa. Loosely based on figure and character of the real life boxer Rocky Marcioni, we have now had six installments of this story, with the last one being by far the best, with the…

Craig Hill is a fine NT scholar at Wesley Theological Seminary in D.C. and a fine preacher as well. We have been good friends for many years through the John Wesley Fellowship program. This is the sermon he preached in the Woodlands UMC a week ago. I found it so rich that I asked his…

There are of course a plethora of movies out at Christmas, and the one must see movie for Christians is surely “the Nativity”, but if there is time and interest in more what shall one do? Well for sure don’t take the children to “Apocalypto” its way too gory and violent even for some adults.…

Athanase Seromba is a Roman Catholic priest who for years served in Rwanda. This past week he was sentenced by an international war criminal court to fifteen years in prison. His crime? He ordered the bulldozing of his own church in western Rwanda in 1994 when 2,000 Tutsis sought sanctuary there during the mass killings…

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