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The Bible and Culture
God Save “The Queen”
Ben Witherington
Docu-dramas don’t usually become frontline movies, and true to form “The Queen” is only available in limited release in most places in America. It is a great pity for this is a wonderfully crafted tale centered around the crisis the monarchy faced due to it truculant and inadequate response to the death of Diana. The…
Timber!— More Christmas trees felled
Ben Witherington
Looking fir and wide, since I know you are all ‘pining’ for more tree-mendous stories about the felling of Christmas traditions I have come up with a bonus. My Canadian friend and fellow teacher and minister Ross Bailey sent me the article below which sort of gathers up some of the evidence as it has…
Disruptive Grace
Ben Witherington
Shattering the smatteringOf calm I had created,Grace, a gratuityDisrupted my day. Interrupting the ennuiI kept on feelingAn alien intruder Stepped in my way. Pacifying the pesteringVoice which kept naggingI sought out a sanctuaryAny port in a storm. Reluctantly resignedTo divine solicitationThe carols and bellsBeguiled me again. Unbidden, unwantedJoy overcame meIn spite of reluctanceImmersed once more.…
The Grinch That Stole Christmas Trees
Ben Witherington
Just past the Homeland Insecurity Checkpoint there used to be a Christmas tree in Sea-Tac airport. Indeed there used to be several, fourteen to be exact. And since we have a rather conservative government at this juncture you might not expect the Grinch to be allowed on Federal Property. After all, they just put up…
The Nativity– The Birth of a Classic?
Ben Witherington
You know how it is when you really love a story. You want the adaptation on the screen to be right. I was holding my breath when I heard they were making the Lord of the Rings a few years ago and I was really holding my breath when I learned they were filming the…
Happy New Year!!
Ben Witherington
Christians are so weird. Jews of course celebrate Rosh Hashannah— the Jewish New Year. Most Christians however hardly even notice the Christian New Year which happens to have just transpired. Instead, they prefer to celebrate the ancient Roman and modern secular New Year on the eve of January 1 (a month named after the two-faced…
The Evangelical-Republican Alliance begins to Crumble
Ben Witherington
The following is an interesting article sent to me by my friend Mark Jackson. It is republished here with permission from Strategic Forecasting, Inc. at While I do not necessarily agree with everything said here it certainly brings up some points we need to consider. What it suggests is that there is a growing…
Towering “Babel”
Ben Witherington
There are movies that are disturbing and then there are movies that are moving, and then there are movies that are both disturbing and moving and result in something of a paradigm shift. If you have seen “Six Degrees of Separation” this movie is somewhat like that in its premise– that there can be a…
The Constantine Novels of Paul Doherty
Ben Witherington
Without question Paul Doherty is one of the best British historical novelists in recent memory. On top of that, he is polymath, by which I mean he is capable of writing convincingly about various historical periods and subjects. His Hugh Corbett medieval novels are equally as gripping as his ancient Egyptian novels and his Constantine…
Cirque d’ Bible– The Annual SBL Meeting
Ben Witherington
Right across from the host hotel in a large open area in downtown Wasington D.C. was the Circque d’Soleil. The more I thought about, the more appropriate I thought it was that it was there this weekend. The annual Society of Biblical Literature meeting also occured this weekend, as it always convenes the weekend before…
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