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The Bible and Culture
The Bible and Culture
The Seduction of Power– the Tiger Woods Story
Ben Witherington
By now the adage is familiar— ‘all power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts ultimately’. What this adage does not tell you is that with power comes isolation. It’s lonely at the top, and often those at the top stop listening to those whom they no longer consider peers, friends, mentors, advisors. In addition there is…
A Christmas Present from Sade
Ben Witherington
Sade’s new CD will be out in early February 2010. It’s been a long time since she did something really edgy and creative. But this is interesting. I immediately thought this would play well in a Bond film. Welcome Back Sade! Now if she would just tour the U.S.
The Apocalyptic Visions of a Street Artist
Ben Witherington
The street artists quite literally convert streets into art without altering the material of the streets or harming them in any way. Its not just the ability to imagine this, its the ability to draw this on a hard surface with proper perspective. John of Patmos who had those apocalyptic visions would have been impressed.
Oral Roberts Speaks No More
Ben Witherington
Oral Roberts was that most unusual of all kinds of Methodists–a Pentecostal one. He had a big heart, a large evangelistic career, and a big vision, even a vision of creating a huge medical center to go with the university he was founding.But of all the things we know about Oral Roberts he will undoubtedly…
The Problem with Gay Marriage–an Evangelical Christian Viewpoint
Ben Witherington
I have watched the debate in our country about gay marriage rights for some long time and indeed I have participated in the debate. Some things have gotten clearer over time, and some things have become more murky, but what seems evident at this point is that the majority of Americans are not…
Changing Old Hobbits
Ben Witherington
Peter Jackson has now revealed something about who will be in The Hobbit which begins filming early next year in New Zealand. Ian McKellen will indeed be back as Gandalf, and it is likely that various of the Elves such as Elrond played by Hugo Weaving and Galadriel played by Cate Blanchett will be making…
The Problem with Snopes: A Liberal Conspiracy?
Ben Witherington
My hardly computer literate mother sent me the following info which had been sent to her. I challenge alert readers to read this and check it out. See if you think this critique of Snopes is valid or not. I have my own suspicions since I have found that the site makes mistakes, but see…
As Copenhagen Climate Change Summit Begins— Thousands Protest Global Warming
Ben Witherington
Invictus– The Unvanquished
Ben Witherington
I have spent a fair amount of time in the beautiful and strife filled country of South Africa. I have met some of the principles who fought against apartheid, such as the Methodist Bishop Peter Storey. I have dear friends who are Afrikans such as Jan van der Watt. And I was there not long…
The Gift of the Magi and O. Henry
Ben Witherington
Do you recognize this man? No, its not Snively Wiplash from some silent picture era film. Its actually William Sidney Porter one of the most popular short story writers from the South ever. He was born just up the road from me in Greensboro North Carolina and buried in Asheville N.C., and I remember a…
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