The Bible and Culture

One of the valid points made by Bart Ehrman at various junctures in this study is that each Gospel needs to be allowed to have its own say. He is guarding against the tendencies to blend all the accounts together, and I understand this. What we have in the NT is not the Diatesseron, the…

A Companion Along the Way: Easter Sunday on the Emmaus Road by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson The gleaming cloud tops and fragrant spring air would have invigorated most travelers leaving Jerusalem that Sunday afternoon. But these two began their trek to Emmaus staring grimly at the trail, forcing leaden feet up the steep path to…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Bart Ehrman Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus, Interrupted, (San Francisco: Harper One, 2009), xii +212 pages. Part Two ( pp. 61-75). In his first rate analysis of Edward Gibbon’s classic 18th century study, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a work which set the pattern or paradigm for modern historiography with its basic skepticism or agnosticism…

I must confess to being partial to the cat in this picture— he’s so dramatic 🙂 BW3

There is an interesting and detailed article in Newsweek this week about the decline of Christianity in America over the last ten years, which includes an interview with my near neighbor and fellow seminary colleague Al Mohler of Louisville Southern Baptist. Here is the link, see what you think.

Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus, Interrupted, (San Francisco: Harper One, 2009), xii +292 pages. Part One ( the first 60 pages) Bart Ehrman is both a gifted writer and a gifted lecturer. Perhaps his best gift is the ability to distill difficult and complex material down to a level that undergraduates and ordinary lay folk can…

MY MOM AND DAD IN THEIR GOLDEN YEARS I was walking down Franklin Street in Chapel Hill last fall where I was there to do a church and Intervarsity event, and literally ran into Tyler Hansbrough. I took a moment to shake his hand and thank him for coming back to school, and doing things…

It has been said that you can meet almost anybody on Facebook. Well, imagine my surprise when I discovered that the Prince of Darkness himself has a Facebook page. Here is the link—- I must say that there is very little surprising about his friends and supporters network, nor it’s proverbial mottos– “fight fire with…

I am not a particular fan of Facebook, but recently one of my former students sent me the following link— In a surprising end run manuever, apparently Jesus interrupts Bart Ehrman during Passion week, knocking on his office door (check out his most recent title). BW3

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