The Bible and Culture

In a move that suggests that Obama does indeed intend to try to be everyone’s President, the President elect named Rick Warren to say the invocation at his inauguration. Here is the link to the story— The reaction today to this move was predicable as protests came from both the gay and lesbian lobby…

There is an enormously poignant story about Julius Erving and his long lost daughter Alexandra Stevenson by Tom Friend as a featured story on ESPN’s award-winning show ‘Outside the Lines’. Here is the link to the script of the story, and some video highlights as well—- It will show up as a TV broadcast next…

The Delta Blues. It is interesting, and strange how most white Americans, even those who know and love music well,know little or nothing about the Delta Blues of Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, Little Walter, Robert Johnson, Willie Dixon, Etta James, and even Chuck Berry. And yet if you cross the pond to England you discover…

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c A Colbert Christmas: Toby Keith Sings Colbert at ChristmasColbert Christmas DVD Green ScreenBill O’Reilly Interview

Certainly one of the most fascinating of all the seminars at this year’s national Society of Biblical Literature meeting held in Boston was the Graffiti Seminar. A series of papers were given, including discussions of recent findings of very early Christian graffiti in Izmir (=ancient Smyrna). We should deal first with the issue of definition.…

O.K. so the news spin cycle seems to have stopped on Illinois just now, where all sorts of gnarly things seem to regularly go down, especially in the situation ethics sort of realm. I guess this is why Dan Fogelberg sang “Illinois, I’m your boy” but moved to Maine to live out his last days.…

The NY Times has an important article this morning on the growth of Evangelical Churches since the beginning of the recession. It’s interesting and well worth the read…. Here’s the link. BW3

When I was teaching Sunday school many years ago in Durham, England, a little girl of about seven years of age named Rachel came up to me after the lesson about Lk. 2 with a quizzical look on her face and said “Now let me see if I got this right. If God is Jesus’…

Well there is bad preaching and then theRe is REALLY BADDDDDDD PREACHING. Here is a case in point. BW3

Who was it who thought that having a wedding service on top of a swimming pool was a smart move? BW3

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