The Bible and Culture

In this post I am simply trying to give you a feel for the modern city of Iznik (population 20,000). The major industry here today is not tourism, as one might expect, since Iznik is off the beaten path. If you look carefully at the map here, and look at the left side near the…

This cartoon appeared in a Turkish newpaper….enjoy.

Nestled in the hills which surround Iznik lake is the beautiful small town (about 22,000) of Iznik. The unassuming tourist might well mistake it for just another little Turkish town, but in fact it is a city of great historical importance to the Christian faith, and also to the development of high art in the…

Nestled on the southwest coast of Turkey is the beautiful resort town of Bodrum, which is actually an ancient Roman (and before that Greek) harbor town. Not surprisingly, there are many shipwrecked boats not far from this harbor, which as you can see, is still a safe haven for boats. And so there could hardly…

O.K. so first of all, the Russians love their sweets, both cakes and candies. You should see the sweet shops. So they had a cake baking contest, withthe most creative representation of something real winning. I’ll let you vote for your favorite of these 12 cakes. They were allowed to use alittle supporting structure, but…

We will begin our tour of places I visited this summer in Turkey. The first is in some ways one of the oldest and most well preserved of the Greek cities visited. It is also today one of the most obscure and difficult to find, as it is not on the beaten track that any…

One of the things you find at the Moscow Flea Market is products made by the new laser technologies. Naturally enough someone was going to try and capture Jesus in glass through this technology and with some considerable success. Here are two images, one front one from the side, which show the the 3 D…

One of the more interesting subjects to discuss is the freedom of God. What exactly is God free to do or not to do? Is God’s will the primary and controlling divine attribute such that even God’s knowledge is dependent on God’s will in the first place? Are there things that a sovereign God cannot…

Here are a series of pictures from my time in Russia the land of golden domes and beautiful icons of Christ and the saints. Above you will see the picture of Moscow Evangelical Seminary where I teach from time to time, and a picture of Natasha and Sasha Tsutserov the latter being the head of…

Well I am in my fifth country on the world tour and will be teaching Christology here all week at Moscow Evangelical Seminary. Its currently light until almost 11 p.m. and its also light by 3:30 in the morning, so there is nothing dark about Moscow at this time of year… it is however in…

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