The Bible and Culture

Christian One Liners Don’t let your worries get thebest of you; remember, Moses startedout as a basket case. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisors. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* It is easier to preach ten sermons than it…

The Sunday school teacher was carefully explainingthe story of Elijah the Prophet and the false prophets of Baal. She explainedhow Elijah built the altar, put wood upon it, cut the steer in pieces, and laidit upon the altar. And then, Elijah commanded the people of God to fillfour barrels of water and pour it over…

On a day when we learned of the death of one of the first and best true Christian rockers, Larry Norman (at 60– rest in his arms), comes the full Pew study of shifting allegiances in religious America. Here is the link to the story— Among the notable trends are the following: 1) More…

This morning in chapel we had an excellent sermon by Rev. Fleming Rutledge on John 9. It talked about various ways of seeing and being seen, and most especially being seen by God. It also talked about various forms of blindness. My friend Meltem from Turkey recently sent me a link to a most amazing…

Over the weekend I was at Kokomo Indiana doing an event for Grace UM Church, and Pastor Steve and his wife told me the following remarkable story. In the 90s, Steve was helping lead an E.O. tour in Israel with his Bishop, and they had gotten permission to have the Garden Tomb locale closed off…

The music of North Carolina, or better said North Carolinians is both fascinating and diverse. I learned this at an early age growing up in a house full of music, as my mother was a pianist and piano teacher and I grew up singing, playing stringed instruments (guitar and violin, and piano– yes it is…

COMING UNDONNE— Janis and John Janis said– ‘Freedom’s just another word, For nothing left to lose’. But then she overdosed, Her life the lived out blues. Freedom isn’t sinning, For when you linger there, It’s only the beginning, But you are unaware. You find yourself trapped, Like a man in a maize Like a ship…

The following is a brief excerpt of the exposition on the theological ethics of Revelation in my forthcoming book– The Indelible Image. The excerpt below follows the detailed exegesis of Rev. 2-3 with some reflections on what Revelation is actually saying about issues like justice, love, perseverance, divine sovereignty and the like. —————————– While Revelation…

It appears after all that Frodo didn’t quite manage to throw the ring all the way into the fires of Mordor. It’s lure must still be plaguing Middle Earth. The latest evidence that the lure of the ring is still in our midst is that the Tolkien heirs are suing New Line Cinema for a…

George Carlin’s New Rules for 2008 [N.B. I have edited various of these in a PG kind of way :)] New Rule:Stop giving me that pop-up ad for ! There’s a reasonyou don’t talk to people for 25 years. Because you don’t particularlylike them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the footballteam…

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