The Bible and Culture

Did he ponder Isaac Whilst hanging on the cross A last second substitute Before all was lost? Is this why he cried out ‘My God, My God’ so loud Showing disappointment Before a hostile crowd? Would God not intervene, Offer another lamb Or would he be passed over A dangling great I AM? Abandoned but…

Frank Lucas was a native son of Greensboro North Carolina, only fifteen minutes from where I grew up. It amazes me that I may well have crossed his path half a century ago, and of course not known it. He was the eldest of many brothers, and the one his younger brothers all looked up…

In the ‘it’s about time department’ a series of mostly Prosperity TV Evangelists are going to have to face financial accountability at the hands of a Republican Senator! Truly, the eschaton is at hand. Here is the link to Laurie Goodstein’s article in the NY Times this morning— Charles Grassley is the Chair of…

I am not a person that is much in favor of banning things. For one thing it usually backfires (although the banning of the ‘Da Vinci Code’ movie after a brief release in China, seems to have accomplished some of the government’s aims to avoid religious upheaval). Plus I do indeed believe in those amendments,…

Three of my Parchman lectures given at Baylor last month are now available online…. Here’s the links—- Witherington #1 #2 #3

Jesse James was an outlaw. Indeed he was a ruthless killer and thief. He was also the son of a Baptist minister, and a family man. He led two lives– one as Thomas Howard, and one as the bad hombre outlaw. He knew the Bible through and through, often quoted it as well. And a…

The third volume in my little trilogy on the Protestant ‘sacraments’ (baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the Word of God) is now out, and honestly I think it is one of the best and most practical books I have ever written. I have tried to make it a sort of one stop shopping kind of book…

Who knew that Charles Wesley, that great writer of over 6,000 hymns, was a closet rocker? But now we have the proof in the form of a brand new CD– Prisoner of Hope. Here is the basic info– go to the web site: and you can order the CD. Price and ordering information is…

For those of you who don’t know the history of how holy days became holidays, including All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints Day, I would encourage you to read about All Saint’s Day by Googling it. Me personally I will be celebrating with my Red Sox as the saints go marching down Com Ave. in…

“I fear, wherever riches have increased, the essence of religion has decreased in the same proportion. Therefore, I do not see how it is possible, in the nature of things, for any revival of religion to continue long. For religion must necessarily produce both industry and frugality, and these cannot but produce riches. But as…

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