Blessings Abound

Last night I had the blessing of participating in an intimate meditation group.  Four of us met in the home of my friend, Gary, in order to experience sitting in silence together. Gary enjoys keeping his front door wide open to let in the fresh air.  So of course in addition to the cooler evening…

This morning I was feeling a bit half-mast.  I had had a crick in my neck for about 16 consecutive hours, and though it had improved from acute pain to a dull ache, I noticed it was still coloring my mood.  (I now have greater appreciation for all the people who live with chronic pain!)…

If you are feeling stuck or a bit down or really, really hot, here is my advice:  Go somewhere.  Preferably to a place with water.  Preferably to a place with flowing water. There is something about being by a stream.  It activates all the senses.  The sight of splashing, flowing water and fish and dragonflies…

On today’s walk, I was blessed with the awareness of birds.  What joy, beauty, and magic they bring to our world!  Rachel Carson was right, if we somehow managed to kill off all the birds – through the short-sightedness of our crazy need to kill things with poisons (“weeds,” insects, etc.), the world would be…

When I first moved to this little town in the Rockies, I saw deer all the time.  When I was driving to my house for the first time, they were right there in the middle of the road – four of them, looking right at me, tame as could be.  Later, I would often see…

One of the many things I love about this town I live in is the pace.  Everyone slows down here.  People hang out on porches and drink coffee in the morning.  People often walk to town instead of drive.  People hang out in cafes and stop to talk in the middle of the street.  And…

Twice in the last week, I rediscovered the miracle of choosing different words.   (Note:  I so want to share with you the good news of how we can manifest little miracles in our lives.  And in order to do this, I have to confess some embarrassing stuff.  But the only way to share the…

Some of my friends have probably noticed that I’ve been grumpy lately. And overwhelmed.  And irritable.  And some things have been falling through the cracks.  I’ve also been feeling guilty.  And I’ve been trying to do too many things at once.  And I’ve made some mistakes.  And I acted in a way that hurt someone’s…

My friend, Ken, shared a wonderful story the other day about a healer who had become physically impaired. He had lost movement in his limbs a few years ago. The people who loved him, those who were part of his community, decided to pray for him. They discussed whether to pray for his recovery or…

Do you believe in Angels and Archangels?  Do you believe there are Ascended Masters like Jesus, the Buddha, Mary, Quan Yin, and other various avatars and holy women and men who are no longer in physical form but available to work with us, talk with us, help us?  If so, read on. Over and over…

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