As your sweet delight to enter into your weekend…..bring to mind a time when you felt most alive, most vibrant. Where were you? Were you on vacation at an exotic destination or in your own back yard, feeling like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz chanting, “There’s no place like home.” ? Take a moment to look around in your imagination station and use all of your senses to drink in this time and place. Add color and sound to the mind movie. See who might be in your personal paradise with you. Be aware of how your body feels while you are there. Now, the beauty of this experience is that you are absorbing the awe and your body is likely feeling the sensations as if you are experiencing it in the moment. Our minds and bodies are so intricately linked that we can’t tell the difference. Carry this with you even if your current weekend plans are nothing more exciting than doing the laundry or mowing the lawn.