Lift your face heavenward and prepare to receive the most sweep-me-off-my-feet, delicious, pucker-up, Kiddo, buss on those ruby red lips of yours, since today is the day that the One who breathed you into life plants one on you.

Butterfly kisses, fluttering across your forehead

with the sweet caress of the Creator, called by many different names each expressing your heart’s longing for union with all that is.

A sonic smooch as you hear the song celestial cascading

through the airwaves, enticing you to dance with Divinity, clapping your hands in time to your heartbeat rhythm.

Sweeter than nibbling tidbits of chocolate, called by the same name, is this delectable, toe curling delight.

You are invited to sip the sweetness of Soul kiss, wake me-shake-me to my roots, kiss.

An embracing endearment that enfolds you safely, so that you may rest in the arms of wonder; content, no need to do anything for the moment..simply BE-ing is enough, you irresistible Being, you:)

Who loves you, Baby?

Edie Weinstein 2010

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