This experience harkens back a few years, but it is every bit as timely today as it was
then; a journal entry of sorts…
“I received an email from my friend Peter Moses a few weeks ago, as part of a
request to forward a press release for a fundraiser for an organization we are both
part of, called Rubye’s Kids that creates a holiday party and other gatherings
throughout the year for inner city Philly kids. Emotional marshmallow that I am, I
cried when I read it:
“Thanks, as always, for spreading the Love (your real fulltime job:)” and then it
occurred to me that there really is no more important job in the world than that. The
cool thing is, we all applied for it at birth and whether we know it or not, we are on
the payroll, and the job description might look something like this:
smiling at strangers
cleaning up after yourself (physically and emotionally), or at least not expecting
anyone else to clean up after you
offering a supportive ear, an open heart or shoulder to cry on
unconditional positive regard
seeing and honoring the highest in yourself and each other (the meaning of the
Sanskrit word ‘namaste’)
listening with the ears of the heart (not second guessing what someone else will say
or formulating your response)
being both a generous giver and gracious receiver
allowing others to grow from their experiences without rescuing, fixing or saving
sharing the best of who you are
living with compassion, both toward yourself and others
being trustworthy and in integrity
finding ways to make someone’s day
being fully present with whoever is presented to you
offering hugs, knowing that they are heart to heart resuscitation
facing each day with wonder and anticipation
I’ve been authorized by the Boss (no, not Bruce Springsteen:)…you know
the Big Boss to offer you these bonuses that come along with the job:
Know that there is no where you can go, where love won’t follow
Adore the person in the mirror, who is really embodied love
Let yourself be fully seen
Unbridle your creativity, let it run free
Treasure your dreams
Cradle yourself
Be your bliss
Swim in your deepest passions
Cry (my friend Dianea is a therapist who believes so strongly in the healing power of
tears that her license plate reads :CRYBABE)
Play big in the world
Scatter love like wildflower seeds
Welcome your heart’s desires
Bring the light INTO the tunnel with you instead of waiting for it at the other end
Live with a heart-on
There is a Rubye’s Kids fundraising event coming up on March 19th, so if
you would like to know more about this extraordinary organization, please go