A new friend named Bobi Watson; a yoga teacher and swimming instructor from Wildood Crest, New Jersey posted this bit of wisdom on facebook and I knew it was going to be fodder for a Bliss Blog entry.

“A compilation of whispering echos calling me to dance and play throughout my day ~ beckoning an order of assimilation and movement, sometimes slow going, sometimes more frenzied ~ Musicality and actuality. I see & hear, feeling what just may be on the horizon is another horizon… Reminded of the old song… The bear went over the mountain… To see what he could see…”

It spoke to me immediately and created a vision of standing in the midst of a grove with the ‘whispering echoes’ giggling, sounds re-bounding off the trees, stretching skyward and then wafting gracefully down to the moss green grass. Each sound becomes a crooked finger that invited me to join in the frolic. Adapting to the rhythm of the 12 hours that stretched before me. I know that on any given day, I can be faced with the gift of going slowly, and simultaneously needing to move at what seems like that frenzied pace of which Bobi speaks. It is then that I am reminded of what my mother said at times : “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.” to which I respond by gliding along in speech and action until I can adjust my pace.

I know too, that we are that music and the hollow reed through which it is played so brilliantly.

The horizon is always waiting and I realize that I have two choices…I can eagerly anticipate what unfolds just beyond it, or I can dread it. There was a time in my life when I would have leaned toward the latter, although I am an optimist by nature. I now think of myself as an ‘opti-mystic’ who sees the Divine Creative Force in all encounters. And like that bear, I am opening my eyes and heart to ‘see what I can see’.

http://youtu.be/RmUp2jyHd9Y   For the eternal child in us all <3

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