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Imagine a world in which unity overcomes separation, in which diversity is celebrated instead of feared, in which the concept of spirituality serves to heal and not harm. And then join with others world wide to take a stand for all of these things, which are not simply a pie-in-the-sky-pipe dream, but rather a ‘dream into reality’ IS-ness.  Dubbed ‘a civil rights movement for the soul’, Humanity’s Team, which is guided by Neale Donald Walsch, Steve Farrell and Claudia Christine Pieper, offers a panopoly of services, including websites, video presentations, community outreach. Notables such as Barbara Marx Hubbard, Sharon Stone, Kenny Loggins, Don Miguel Ruiz, Ambassador Chowdhury from the United Nations, Lynne McTaggart, Bruce Lipton, Charles Gibbs with the United Religions Initiative, Stephen Simon and Emmanuel Itier – movie producers, Humanity’s Team global leaders, Panelists with expertise in Ubuntu including Dr. Mathole Motshekga, Dr. Dumisani Magdalena, Dr. Johann Broodyrk, and Barbara Nussbaum,  and James Twyman – musical artists, Ganjhi and numerous others have stepped up and declared their support and identity as bringers of peace. Will you?  I have.


Humanity’s Team has created a “Seven C’s” process to guide the movement’s culture, principles and norms. Depicted in a flowerlike symbol, Humanity’s Team employs the Seven C’s — Consciousness, Courage, Communication, Collaboration, Consensus, Commitment and Call to Action — throughout the movement’s creation process.” 

As I read these words, I feel a rush of energy, since they are so empowering.  They open a door to dialogue that heretofore may have been closed, padlocked and fenced in by fear and separation.

October 24th is the 2nd Global Oneness Day, during which consciousness is raised about the essential nature of unity and peacemaking. Events are taking place all over the planet and participants are asked to be mindful and heart-full about this subject. There will be a free event; a telesummit that you are encouraged to sign up for and join among the planetary community that is speaking out to make a difference.

On the Global Oneness Day’s website, there is an opportunity to take a pledge revolving around the idea that we are all the same within and that with energies merged,  we  can make or break this world.  Let’s keep the conversation going.  Celebrate grandly.



Some of my favorite unity songs for your listening and singing-along pleasure(:

http://youtu.be/gIvMs7nnEHE  Conviction of the Heart by Kenny Loggins

http://youtu.be/lWdG8NoFXY0  One by U2

http://youtu.be/460INShy3BU  United We Stand by Brotherhood of Man

http://youtu.be/taqLEjCVTdo  I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing  The New Seekers

http://youtu.be/6RVDQgVxprE  What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love and Understanding?

www.thetimehascomeforpeace.com  The Time Has Come by Deb Chamberlin, Robert Wynn and a group of talented Philly local performers

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