On Saturday, I was running some errands and found myself in a Rite-Aid that was undergoing renovations. Meandering around, checking out the construction; one of the women working there asked if I was seeking something special. At first I was tempted to say the standard, “No, I’m just looking.” and then caught myself and gathered my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself and then said to her, “Yes, I am always looking for something special and I always find it.”  Another double entendre statement, like the one I shared last week when a friend commented that life was agreeing with me and I responded that life always agrees with me, no matter what I think, say or do. Years ago, I found a mystical message on a cereal box “To see if you’re a winner, look inside.”  That was in reference to a contest they were running, but I took it a whole ‘nother way, as you might guess.

So, off I was out into my ‘special day’. First to the gym for a great ‘playout’ and then to an outdoor performance of my musician friends Annabella Wood, Ashley Blanco and Sam Haines at the Pennypack Harvest Festival in Horsham. Their music is a little bit country, with a splash of spirituality, a fragrance of folk, a dash of drumming, blended into their multi-instrumental soup. They don’t yet have a name, so I called out an idea…A Work In Progress. Who knows?  From there, with my friend and creative collaborator Peggy Tileston as we are teaching a class for therapeutic professionals on using creative modalities when words aren’t enough. On to my next encounter…this time with my friend Rod about whom I wrote in yesterday’s Bliss Blog (author of  the newly blooming book: The Flower of My Heart).  After he and I took a brief walk on South Street in Philly, I headed to my favorite spiritual book store called Garland of Letters that has been a staple in the community for more than 30 years.  Healthy,  yummy dinner at a Vegan restaurant called Loving Hut whose walls were decorated with pics of  famous vegetarians/vegans..such large portions that was enough for another meal!  Happily satisfied with a body-mind-spirit nourishing day, I actually slept well for the first time in days. 

The next day, I found myself meandering through Doylestown, without a particular plan. I was standing on State Street, breathing in the early autumn air, when heading my way are my friends Rhetta Morgan and Connie Keener, smiling as brightly as the sun.  Hugging hello’s, they told me that they were heading for ice cream at Nonno’s which is a little coffee shop; a gem in this Bucks County town.  Perusing the delights behind the counter, my eyes lit up when I beheld a delicacy called “Billionaire Chocolate”. Although chocolate is my drug of choice, the name was reason enough to indulge in the treat.  No false advertising here….it really tasted like a gazillion buck flavor.  I joked that, of course, all the fat and calories had been magically whisked away. I am all about pleasure, sans guilt.  Connie, Rhetta and I spent the better part of an hour or so, talking about ‘life, the universe and everything’.  

 My treasure chest filled with love, friendship, growth opportunities, abundance, pleasure, fun, adventure, delight  and BLISS spilleth over! 

How about yours?


http://youtu.be/uyXGUNaUMOE  Something Special by Colbie Caillat







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