When we are born, we are innocent infants, not aware of what awaits us in the next  decades of our lives. Perhaps we come in with a ‘soul contract’…the jury is still out on that in some people’s minds, although certain things just click in terms of my interactions with people and circumstances, as if I have made a long ago agreement with them to do this dance of life together.  As we go through our days, we pick up beliefs about ‘how life is’, like so many burrs on our pant legs while walking through the woods. The adults in our lives tell us; verbally or non-verbally, what we are worthy of receiving. I was blessed with parents who showered me with love and praise AND in an effort to keep from losing those things (as if I ever could:) I sometimes spun my wheels in frenzied activity to prove that I was/am worthy of such. As I am now 53, it has taken this long for me to recognize (as my mother used to say) “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.” Paradoxically, by doing that, I was running away from all the good that wanted to come into my life. I can sometimes hear it panting behind me, cajoling me to “Slow down so we can catch you already!”  Shades of the ginger bread man….”Run run as fast as you can…”

At times, I have held up my hands in an unconscious effort to ward off the onslaught of love, success, praise, gifts , (material and spiritual). The one constant in all of this, is that Spirit, in its infinite generosity, has persistently shown up, like a determined suitor, thinking that “One day, she’ll let me in the door.” These days, more often than not, I open my arms and heart to let it all in. There are time, ironically, that I feel impatient that certain things I want have not yet manna-fested…I’m getting there, being more patient with myself and the Universal Delivery Service.

I look at my life and the experiences and people who have shown up and ask myself “What would someone have to believe in order to have these things and beings show up?” I depersonalize it so as to make it more productive a process. Sometimes I like the answer, sometimes I want to run screaming from the room…YIKES!  Mostly, it takes a bit of tweaking to get from that point to where I endeavor to be. I can work as hard I want, planting the seeds, following through on my intentions and a key ingredient is that sense of receivablity. Am I willing to embrace what shows up on my doorstep each day. Today I can shout a resounding YES!   How about you?  What is your heart’s desire? What is your receivablity quotient?  Are you willing to expand your possibilities?


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