This Bliss Blog entry was inspired by radio host of Your Story Matters; Angela Schaefers who uses a wonderful tecnhique to handle life stuff happening.

She says “I have taught myself and my adult daughters to ‘Take Five’, take five minutes to remember five things to be grateful for. Though we are not always together we will call or text one another with our ‘Take Five’. We often remind each other to ‘Take Five’ when one of us are having a discouraging day or moment!”

What a brilliant idea, since gratitude nourishes body, mind and spirit.  It is a portable skill that takes no special equipment, can occur in a heartbeat, can be done in silence, outloud, in writing or song and dance. I love doing an atty-tood of gratitude dance. It starts with wiggling my toes (today, with cherry red toenails for a splash of color), moves up my ankles to my legs, wiggling my hips, bouncing up and down, swaying to music that is sometimes only in my head, if not on the radio, arms reaching up and out, bopping about, silly smile on my face. I can’t help but be in feel good mode.

In this moment, my Take Five:

I am grateful to be inside under an intact roof in this rainstorm, with air conditioning that works.

I am grateful for my family and friends who are my treasures.

I am grateful for creative work that I love.

I am grateful for my connection with Spirit.

I am grateful that I have the opportunity to stretch and expand my comfort zones as I embark on exciting new adventures.

Even if you are not feeling particularly blessed, I can guarantee that by doing this, you will experience a lightening of your load, an upliftment of your mind. an elevation of your energy, a lilt in your step…get the picture?  When gravity’s dragging you down….look up.

Take Five to listen (well, 5:30)

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